Analisis Terhadap Usulan Penggunaan Combibox Sebagai Wujud Penerapan Eco Airport Di Indonesia

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Wahyoe Wahyoe


Air traffic densihj oca1rs at sezieral airports in lndonesin, especinlly nt airports - the airport with the
scale of priman; and secondan; sen.rices. Traffic density, of course, affect the time slot to take off and
landing ai.rcraft. At the time of ground, air plane to get some service at the airport, among others,
refueling, filling water for toilet and waste water cleaning, loading and unloading goods and luggage,
mbin interior aircraft cleaning, catering preparation, checks ai.rcraft engine and much more . Some
developed countries in the world has senied the aircraft was grounded with advances in technology
that is able to maintain the qualihJ of the enuironment nt the airport lnj using CombiBox. In addition,
this equipment also proved able to econonziz.e energi; expenditure, Human Resources a-IR), and
reduce clutter btJ aircraft sen.nee vehicles on the apron.

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