Strategi Prouksi Pesawat X Dalam Menghadapi Persaingan Pasar Global

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Agus Salim Ridwan
Eri Adhytiawan


From technologtj side, plane Juzs any advantages with their competitor. Wzereas the advantages are
not mainly guaranteed tlwt that plnn am win from global competition. Buying decision of plan
business depend on perfomuznce factors, relntio11ship, finn11cial, comment fleet equipment and manufacturing
training. T7re aim of study is empiric research and kind of study is explanatory surve;.1
Tire result of this study shaws X weakness sudz as reputation variable, on time sclredule variable,
selling puma service and financial support. Based on existing X condition and strategic are impossible
to gain the competition. Therefore, adaptation analysis is needed in SWOT analysis. New
strategic proposed focus on "dreap price and operation cost" with alliance business such as nontraditional
contract, equihj investment or joint rienture.
Ket; word: Buying business attitude, perfomumce, relationship, financial, common fleet equipment,
strategic focus, and strategic adaptation.

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*) Guru Besar ITB

**) Mahasiswa