Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Maksimum Maskapai Penerbangan Lion Air Untuk Memenuhi Tingginya Permintaan Penerbangan Domestik

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Lukiana S


Lion Air is a p1ivate airli11e tlzat serves tlze largest domestic airline in Indonesia, Tlze airline already serves 28 domestic routes a11d routes 4 i11temasio11al. Tlze lziglz lroel of airline service on domestic flights Lion Air needs to be supported with the amount of Juel. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the maximum airline fuel consumption in order to meet the high demand for domestic flights. The result of the study shaved that the maximum consumption of Juel required by the PT. Lion Air roen; day for 11 288 Kl.


Key Words: Juel consumption, Lion Air, domestic flight

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