Rasio Sdm Pengawas (Inspektor) Kelaikan Pesawat Udara Terhadap Beban Tugas Keselamatan Penerbangan

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Wahyoe Wahyoe


To realize the safehJ of air transport.ation, the government needs to do a monitoring of the ainvorthiness
of aircraft. therefore, the Directorate General of Air Transportation Directorate of the Ministn; of
Transportation formed a special deal with it is the Directorrzte of Ainuorthiness and Operation of
Aircraft. The purpose of this study is to determine the number of inspectors required for the supennsion
of ainvorthiness of aircraft to follmu the deuelapnient of the number of aircraft operated. By using
a simple linear formuli:l., the number of aircraft inspedor personnel can be done m; making use of
equation Y = -11.04 + 108 X.

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dan proses perarnalan"

R Development Core Team (2008). R: 'A language and environment for statistical computing.

R Foundation for Statistical Computing"

Lahir di Jakarta, 27 Juli 1957, Sarjana Administrasi Negara, Kasubbag Keuangan, Peneliti Muda

Bidang Transportasi Udara Badan Litbang Perhubungan.