Upaya Bandara Ngurah Rai Denpasar Dalam Mewujudkan Safety Management System (SMS)

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Ataline Muliasari


Each airport management including Denpasar Ngurah Rai International Airport are required to
create, implement, eunluate and impmue the sustainnble safe~; rruznagement si;stem (SMS) with a
safehJ program based on intemntionnl mzd nntionnl flight s. Relnted to the nhaue, ns nn international
airport located in the center of touris111 lcxatio11 of hzdonesin, Nguralt Rni lntenuztional Airport tnjing
to realize its SafehJ Management System (SMS). Ihis condition is certainly important to be realized
considering the level of aircraft mauements for both international and national flights is very high at
this airport. Vvhen considering the results of a questionnaire on the indicators of Hazard Identifica.tion
and Risk Management, there are variables that are in the position of" risk control/ mitigation requires
a management decision" that is a wild life nrea airports (VVild Life). T77erefore, Denpasar Ngurah Rai
Airport management lzas planned safety targets 11~1/ be nc/1iered within 3 (tlzree) years from 2010
through 2012.

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