Integrasi Angkutan Keretaapi Dengan Bus Damri Di Stasiun Tugu Yogyakarta

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Sri Lestari
Sri Atun


Yogi;akarta cihj is one of the tourist cihj and a universihj to11m and a cih; full of culture that hard to
break, other than within the cih;, as well as tourists from abroad and students wlw want to register
sclwols that migrate out of population yogi;aknrtn yogyaknrta with routine e7.1en; Idul Fitri, flock
flocked to visit nyeknr fogjaknrtn . One of tile 11zo1ks arf' quite populnr and beazme tlze people's choice
is rail, because beside the railwm; is a mode of mass transit modes of transportation also has some
advantages safe, comfortable, safe and timely when compared with other transportation modes.
Yogi;aknrta Tugu station to sen1e several hjpes of rail freight business executives and train with
passengers on auerage each dm; to reach 6.5 t/wusand passengers, especially on big dm;s and weeks
and, with the number of passengers, the passengers off the train modes require continued until he
reached the final destination, especially passengers wlw headed jogja town with a bus transportation
modes, especially road Oamri. One of tlze expected proficienci; le7.1el in these sulusi overcome the
Municipal Government of Yogi;aknrtn (Yogi;aknrtn Transportation AgenCIJ) with PT. Rnilwm;s and
Perum Oamri cooperation provided means of road transport continued until he reached the final
destination of the integration of rail with bus transportation Oamri.

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Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 56 Tahun 2009 tentang Penyelenggaraan KA.

Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 72 Tahun 2009 tentang l..alu Llntas Angkutan KA.

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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang l..alu Llntas Angkutan


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