Kahan Peningkatan Struktur Jalan Rel Dalam Rangka Menambah Frekuensi Pelayanan Angkutan Kereta Api Lintas Jember-Banyuwangi

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Siti Rahayu
Arbi Sianipar


In order railway revitalization in Java Island and increasing of regional autonormJ are required
researches which could raises potential area supported by mode transport reliability.
]ember is a producing regions of tobacro, coffee, resin, plate stone which located in DAOP 9 /ember
and not supported road transport yet, operational performance is decreasing caused btj field constraints,
"both infrastructure and supporting infrastructure nor its means.
This research use field observation method, grmvth-demand analysis and doing calculation based on
Jormu.las railwmj technique which the result described as description.
The result of this research shmvs if R.33 and R.42 wood/iron sleeper replaced with R.54 concrete
sleeper that securihj, safehJ and comfortable im.11 be better, Jember-Kalisat passed with maximum
speed 41,5 kmjhour could be 120 km;haur, Kalisat-Kalibaru passed with maximum speed 38,2 km/
hour could be 80 kmjhour, Kalibaru-Temuguruh passed with maximum speed 48 km;haur could be
110 kmjhour, Temuguruh-Banyuwangi Baru passed with maximum speed 64,7 km;haur could be
120 kmjhour. Average of frequencij is nmv just 16 train set/datj will be 100 train set/datj, it means
journei; from /ember to Banyuwangi will be passed in an hour and half hour

Key Word: Increasing rail structure

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