Jumlah Ideal Armada Transjakarta di Halte Jurusan Kampung Melayu • Ancol Saat Jam Sibuk (Peak Hour)

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Rini Sulianti


Public transport services to passengers Transjakarta still felt lacking. One of them form time to wait for a bus at Terminal Kampung Melayu Transjakarta. Until now, people still frequently heard complaints of having to manunggu long to be transported. In addition, many passengers scramble to enter the bus can also be a reason for any inconvenience this Transjakarta bus. Transportation planning is of paramount importance in realizing the availability of transportation facilities. Leaming from the successes of other countries is also no less important. Related to the above, it is necessary to study the needs of the fleet at the stop Transjakarta Busway Programs Kampung Melayu - Ancol during peak hours (peak hours).
By utilizing queuing theory, obtained by the ideal amount needed for fleet Transjakarta during peak hours is 1 vehicle every 2 minutes.

Keywords: Peak Hours, Queue, Stop Bus

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